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Why is Turkey in High Demand for Health Tourism?

There are several reasons why Turkey is in high demand for health tourism:

High Quality Health Services: Turkey has made significant progress in the health sector in recent years. It offers high quality services in terms of health infrastructure, technological equipment and specialized healthcare personnel. There are specialized health institutions especially in fields such as medicine, dentistry, aesthetic surgery and eye treatments.

Competitive Prices: Healthcare costs in Turkey are generally lower compared to other countries such as Western Europe and North America. This makes it an attractive option for patients from abroad. These competitive prices in treatment costs provide a significant advantage, especially in areas such as plastic surgery, IVF treatment, eye treatments and dentistry.

Expertise and Experience: Turkey has a competent and experienced medical staff in the field of healthcare. Turkish doctors and healthcare professionals are internationally recognized and many patients choose Turkey because of their expertise and experience. Turkey is also an important center for medical education and research.

Historical and Cultural Richness: Another attractive aspect of Turkey for health tourism is its historical and cultural richness. Patients can visit Turkey's historical and touristic places outside the treatment process and spend the rest and recovery process in a pleasant way.

Accessibility and Location: Turkey is strategically located between Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Many countries can easily reach Turkey and have cost-effective options for traveling. Turkey also has international airports in many major cities and a well-developed domestic transportation network.

All these factors combined lead to Turkey being in high demand for health tourism. The country offers advantages such as quality healthcare services, competitive prices, expertise, experience, cultural richness and easy accessibility.

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